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Worship Schedule




Prayer Group

Monday - 1:30 pm


Healing Eucharist

Wednesday - 10 am


Women's Bible Study


Tuesday - 9:30 am


Bible Study

Wednesday - 11 am

Saturday - 5:30 pm


Sunday - 8 am



Sunday - 10 am


Join us in person or at home via Livestream. Or watch our livestreamed service anytime during the week on our YouTube channel.


Please be sure to join us for Coffee Hour in the Parish Hall following each Sunday morning service.

Saturday Eucharist

Saturdays at 5:30 pm | Rite II

Our 5:30 pm service is a Eucharist using Rite II from the Book of Common Prayer (with contemporary language), a homily and no music.



Interested in joining our Lay Eucharistic Ministry? Our ministers serve on the altar on a rotating basis for all services. They may also deliver Communion and fellowship to those unable to attend services.

Ministry Contact: Russ Kratz

Sunday Eucharist

Sundays at 8 am | Rite I

A simple celebration of the Eucharist using Rite I from the Book of Common Prayer (with traditional language), a brief homily and instrumental organ music only for Prelude, Offertory, and Communion.


Sundays at 10 am | Rite II

Our 10 am service is a Choral Eucharist with organ using Rite II from the Book of Common Prayer (with contemporary language). It includes congregational singing of hymns with a full choir.

Healing Eucharist

Wednesdays at 10 am | Rite II

This 10 am weekday service is a Special Healing Eucharist using Rite II  from the Book of Common Prayer (with contemporary language).


You are invited to join Fr. Wes for Bible Study following this service at 11 am in the Library. Come for the good fellowship and thought-provoking discussion!

“Be still, and know that I am God! I am exalted amont the nations, I am exalted in the earth.”
PSALM 46:10


For more information about scheduling your Baptism at St. Augustine's please contact a clergy person.


St. Augustine of Canterbury has prepared this set of guidelines for the planning and celebration of the Rite of Christian Marriage.


“The liturgy for the dead is an Easter liturgy. It finds all its meaning in the resurrection. Because Jesus was raised from the dead, we, too, shall be raised.”


Click below for our funeral guidelines to help guide you during your time of grief.

COVID Precautions  Masks are no longer required. Those who wish to continue wearing a mask are free to do so. Communion is no longer by intinction only. Please contact Fr. Wes if you have any concerns.

Photo Permissions  Our services may be livestreamed and/or recorded. By entering the church premises, you consent to photography, audio recording, video recording and its/their release, publication, or reproduction to be used for live streaming, promotional purposes, advertising, inclusion on web sites, and/or other purposes by St. Augustine of Canterbury. If you would prefer not to be shown on camera, please sit on the choir side of the nave, in the last two rows.

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