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Upcoming Events at St. Augustine's!
For a complete list, visit our Event Calendar

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DAILY | 8 am

Morning Prayer

Join in on Daily Morning Prayer services over the telephone. Simply dial (339) 209-4611 before 8 am, Monday through Friday to participate. The service is easy to follow and is about 20 minutes long.


SUNDAYS | 9-9:45 AM

Adult Christian Ed

Join us Sunday mornings for Christian Education in the Library. This weekly series will start with basics on why we do what we do in the Episcopal faith and branch out into a wide range of topics. Find out more here!

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Sunday School

Sunday School meets on all but the first Sunday of the month, during the 10 am service. Children K - 6th grade gather in the education wing of the church. On the first Sunday of the month, kids (who are willing and trained) may serve on the altar, and eventually as readers, ushers, etc. Ministry contact Linda Jones at 772.538.9826. If they would like to help serve on the 1st Sunday, contact Fr. Wes.


SUNDAYS | After Worship Services


Please come join us for Coffee Hour after the 8 am and 10 am Sunday services in the Parish Hall. Enjoy the fellowship of your fellow parishioners and some really great coffee!

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MONDAYS | 1:30 pm

Christian Education Prayer Group

Christian Education Prayer Group meets Mondays at 1:30 pm in the Christian Ed wing.

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TUESDAYS | 9:30 - 11 am

Connections: Women's Bible Study

Connections - St. Augustine's weekly Bible Study ministry just for women. We will learn from each other, grow in our faith, and develop rich friendships as we study the Bible together in small discussion groups facilitated by a leader. Contact: Valerie Reich

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TUESDAYS | 1 - 3 pm

Prayer Shawl Ministry

The Prayer Shawl Ministry is ongoing activity where we make prayer shawls, lap blankets, and prayer squares for anyone in need by illness, grief, or support. We meet Tuesdays 1 - 3 pm in the Library, and new members are always welcome. Contact: Gayle Twombly

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Bible Study with Fr. Wes

Join Fr. Wes for Wednesday Bible Study at 11 am in the Library. Come and find lots of fellowship and thought-provoking discussion. Come and see!

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Healing Eucharist

Join Fr. Wes for a Healing Eucharist on Wednesday mornings at 10 am.

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Men's Breakfast

Come to the St. Augustine of Canterbury Men’s Breakfast on the third Tuesday of the month at CJ Cannons (3414 Cherokee Drive, Vero Beach). Ministry contact: Al Glatz



Care Givers Support Group

The Caregivers Support Group meets on the fourth Tuesday of each month, at 2 pm. If you are feeling weighed down by caregiving worries or concerns, connecting with other caregivers is great emotional support. Come share your practical advice on managing challenges in caregiver relationships.

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LAST SUNDAYS | 9 am  - 12 pm

Health & Wellness Monthly Blood Pressure Screening

Come have your blood pressure checked by our RN's the last Sunday of the month in the Parish Hall after the 8 am and 10 am services. Educational information will be provided. Ministry contact: Sally Munson


LAST SUNDAYS | 11:15 am

"Ask the Dietician"

The Health & Wellness Team sponsors a monthly “Ask The Dietician” session when church members have the opportunity to speak one-on-one with Phillippa Norman, MS, RD/LD and ask questions about nutritional wellness.

For a complete list of upcoming events, visit our Event Calendar
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