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Episcopal Church Women (ECW)

We are a community of women who give, care and share God’s love through mission and in ministry throughout the world. In our parish we offer fellowship and hospitality by reaching out to people in need and serving in our church ministries. Join us at our upcoming events and meetings. Contact Marilyn Black Dussault 

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Daughters of the King

An order for women communicants of The Episcopal Church who are dedicated to prayer, service, and evangelism. Reaffirming the promises made at Baptism and Confirmation, a Daughter pledges herself to a life-long program of prayer, service and evangelism, and receives support in this commitment from a worldwide community of like-minded women.

Contact Nancy Kelly



Meeting quarterly, the Fellowship Committee works closely with the rector, communications coordinator and ministry chairs in planning the Parish Events Calendar. The focus of the Committee is to coordinate social events that build fellowship among our parishioners, welcome new members, and provide opportunities to invite others to come and learn more about our parish community. Contact Deb Kavanagh

Health and Wellness Team

The Health and Wellness Team was formed to support and strengthen the mind, body and spirit of our congregation. The Team provides health education, health screening and lifestyle wellness along with supportive care programming. We are a team of health professionals, spiritual leaders and interested parishioners. Contact Sally Munson



Meeting on a bi-monthly basis, the Outreach Committee reviews support requests and makes suggestions to the vestry to assist local, national, and international charitable organizations. These organizations range from community food kitchens to early childhood development and  after school programs, as well as charitable groups that provide medical, educational, and nutritional needs internationally. Our goal is to further the Christian Ministry of giving to others. The Committee also administers the POPS Fund, which is funded by an anonymous donor and matched with parish funds, to support Indian River County organizations. Contact Tony Tulumello

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St. Augustine Serves

St. Augustine Serves is a hands-on community Outreach team, building a culture of service within our parish and around our county. As a group, we strive to raise our own personal awareness of the role of Christian service in our faith journey through group discussion and reflection, while actively pursuing small-group service opportunities. This ministry places a high value on the fellowship inherent in the work we do, as we shine a bright light on St. Augustine's as a result of our community volunteer efforts. Contact: Barbara McGowan

Ministry Contacts


Marianne Rowan


Altar Guild

Glenda Altman


Caregivers Support Group

Br. Rick Lorino, BSG


Chalice Bearers & Lay Readers

Marianne Rowan



Tom Hall


Clean-up Crew

Beth Weatherstone



Barbara McGowan


Women's Bible Ministry

Anita Plummer

Valerie Reich


Daughters of the King

Nancy Kelly


Daughters of the King Prayer List

Cheri Foster


Episcopal Church Women

Marilyn Black Dussault


Faith Flowers

Lucinda Johnson


Fellowship Committee 

Deb Kavanagh


Finance Committee

Brian McIntyre


Garden Angels

Brian McIntyre

​​Healing Hearth Meal Ministry

Cheri Foster


Health & Wellness Team

Sally Munson


Hospitality/Special Events

Carol Paris


Hospitality/Coffee Hour

Brian McIntyre


Kitchen Managers

Genie Bushell

Lillian Petersen


Lay Eucharistic Ministry

Russell Kratz


Morning Prayer

Br. Rick Lorino, BSG


Newcomer's Gatherings

Karen McIntyre



Tony Tulumello


Pastoral Care Committee

Sally Munson


Prayer Shawl 

Parish Office


St. Augustine Serves

Barbara McGowan


Sunday School

Michelle Guancione



Marianne Rowan

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